Saturday, July 17, 2010

hi all.

I'm taking a long-ish hiatus from this blog to focus on my new project: my happy, healthy year! Check is out here:

Thanks! :)

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

stand strong and you will grow...

Today's favourite thing: grilled tomato! OMG! Wrap that little sucker in foil and toss it onto the BBQ for 10-15 mins. Delic'!

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

reasons to smile

1. Toronto's recent heat wave. It's impossible to deny that summer is finally here when it's almost 50c in the sun!

2. Air conditioning.

3. Having my annual physical and learning that after over seven months of being vegetarian, and all of the recent yoga, my body is in it's best shape EVER. ALL of my previous health issues are gone, completely. :)

4. My new favourite thing: Ace whole grain bread + Earth Balance vegan butter + fresh tomato + basil = perfection. Breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack - it makes my tummy happy!

5. Unexpectedly stumbling upon something new that I love: bellydancing!

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, July 02, 2010

fiddleheads and other things...

Has it really been that long since my last post?! Jeepers! Delinquent blogger here! I am slowly coming down from a month of amazing personal changes, and am ready to get serious again. :)

A few things to note about July:
  • I've decided to make July a vegan month, as best as I can (wedding menus may prove challenging). It's become very apparent that I feel best when I eat best.
  • Yoga is back on the agenda, hardcore, and I'm contemplating hiring a personal trainer.
  • I hope to share with you some of my new favourite things - recipes, blogs, newsletters, movies, shows, etc.
Today's favourite thing: A lovely blog from someone who actually blogs regularly. ;)

Today's recipe, kind of: remember those fiddleheads I was going on and on about some time ago? Since their season is so short, I took my mother's advice and froze a whack of them. Now I love throwing them in with grilled veggies. Just add the fiddles to some cut up peppers, asparagus, mushrooms, garlic - whatever you fancy - toss with some olive oil, salt and pepper; package in a foil and grill - yum! Perfectly delicious and nutritious little buggers!

Thanks for stopping by, and sorry to keep you waiting!

Sunday, June 06, 2010

be maya...

This week was hard. Physically and emotionally, I just wasn't on top of my game. As soon as I posted my last message, I felt pressured and I crumbled. I stepped away from what is most important to me and tried to fit myself into situations, failing miserably and feeling awful in the process. I managed to stick to most of my commitments, but the week was a struggle and I didn't feel virtuous at all; far from it.

But I don't consider this week to have been a bust as it taught me another key point of Rubin's book*: the importance of being yourself. Rubin writes,

“You can choose what you do, but you can’t choose what you like to do.”

It sounds simple, but for a lot of people, it's a daily point of contention. How often do we deny ourselves what we like because we don't believe it's worthy or because we're worried we won't fit it?! This week, I did just that and as always happens when I try to fit myself into others' likes, wants, and behaviours, I stumbled off my path and lost my balance. What I've come to realize is that it's no longer worth it.

So, as opposed to living by prescription, I'm going to try to stay true to myself as much as possible. When I do, I eat better, exercise better, sleep better, and generally, behave better. The best Maya is the true Maya.

Happy beautiful Sunday! :)

*See last post for description of Gretchen Rubin's book.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

the happiness project...

For past few weeks, I have been reading, and loving, this book:

It's an autobiographic account of Gretchen Rubin's attempt to understand happiness and in the process, to become happier. Rubin wasn't entirely unhappy - she had a lovely life and was often very grateful for it - she just knew she could do better. This sentiment, of knowing you can do better, rang home with me. It's like Colette's quote, which has always haunted me: “What a wonderful life I’ve had! I only wish I’d realized it sooner.”

As you may have already discovered, I love a project or challenge - something with concrete goals and deliverables, and a schedule of tasks to operate by. It's just how my brain works. So yes, you've guessed it, I'm starting my very own happiness project TODAY! :)

I want to start exactly as Rubin did, focusing the first month (June) on health and vitality, and on tidying up. It's nearly impossible to contemplate anything else when you're exhausted and feeling rotten - I should know as I'm currently at home sick after another night of unexplained nausea.

So, for the month of June, the following are my to-dos:
  • Go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier - ironically, the earlier mornings make me feel more refreshed, less groggy.
  • Exercise better - continuing with my yoga challenge (which I am LOVING), do more pilates, and run four times per week.
  • You are what you eat - keep a food journal and aim for filling the pages with meals that make me proud.
  • Toss, restore, organize - tidy up my house, make it warm and inviting.
  • Tackle a nagging task - hmmmm... I'm sure there are loads of these!
  • Act more energetic!
As always, thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

my new favourite summer breakfast/ lunch/ snack:

Toasted multigrain bread with homemade guacamole, field greens, sliced tomato and pepper. Delicious!

My super easy guacamole recipe:
  • Three ripe avocados, mushed up in a bowl.
  • Juice of a few limes, to taste.
  • Organic salsa, to taste.
  • One serrano pepper, split in half and seeds removed. Then chopped finely.
  • Handful of cilantro, finely chopped.
  • One glove of garlic, minched.
  • Pinch of salt.
  • If I want it chunkier, I throw in some corn or black beans.
Mash everything together into a glorious dip, spread, etc. Yum!